Teaching & Learning about Quality

The quality and reliability of laboratory testing depends on the skills of the people working in the labs, which is why training is such an important part of the Quality Initiative.

Our training programs are designed to increase awareness, share knowledge and promote capacity building among laboratory personnel.

From face-to-face training to digital formats like MOOC: we adapt our educational tools and methods to meet the expectations and needs of learners.

We invite you to navigate around this section to learn more about our training programs.

Maintain the skills of laboratory staff

One of the main objectives of any quality approach is the continuous improvement of the know-how and skills of laboratory teams. L'Initiative s'engage à sensibiliser et former le personnel de laboratoire sur l'importance de la qualité. Indeed, it is important that all the members of a team work together for the implementation of an effective quality management system.

The involvement of all laboratory collaborators in the quality approach is essential to facilitate obtaining accreditation.


Interactive modules on quality, biosafety and self-assessment

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Experts explain the fundamentals of a quality management system

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Live training sessions taught by quality and laboratory specialists

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Massive Open Online Course accessible for everyone which gives learners the possibility to obtain a certificate

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“Everyone agrees that a quality system is a good thing, but there’s lots to be done. It requires even more effort and organization.”

Professor Souleymane Diallo
Director, Charles Mérieux Center for Infectious Disease in Bamako (Mali)